8 March for Women's rights logo

8 March should officially become
International Day for Women's RIGHTS
(instead of International Women's Day)

How can you contribute?

Are you also convinced that the United Nations should change the official name of
“International Women’s Day” to “International Day for Women's Rights”?

Here’s 3 ways to helping us!

1. Sign the petition to the United Nations!

This is the best way to show us that you want this change too!


2. Tell everyone that you want this change! Share our petition!

Share the petition broadly. Have your friends, your colleagues, your family sign. Talk about the petition in your country. The more signatures we have, the sooner we can approach the United Nations

So don’t hold yourself, SHARE!

3. Help us by creating more awareness!

Participate in our campaigns on social networks by using the hashtag #8MarchMatters:

  • Post pictures of you on our Facebook page page with the mention “I signed”
  • Show why women’s rights matter by sharing articles or pictures
  • Post videos of you explaining in few seconds (max 20s) why it’s important for you to sign this petition

Not on social networks? Send us your pictures and videos to 8MarchForWomensRights@gmail.com